What a beautiful morning to be out early. The sun was up, the drive to Gerrards Cross across Slough easy at this time of the morning.
We had two visitors today –
Moira Hamer and Anthony Jones and an interesting talk from Charles Fraser on how to pay for your care in old age. Some good advice and tips on things to watch out for if sorting this out for elderly relatives. 1. paying with your assets, 2. through the local council if you do not have enough in your assets to cover the costs or 3. through the NHS continuing health care.
One point that was stressed was that proper planning can get over some issues that the council will try. They will try their hardest to make sure they have the least amount of financial input into your care situation!
Karen Pawlowska was telling us about a new initiative from Sky TV, where small companies can now – through companies like TakeOne – do complete TV adverts aimed at specific target markets! Pretty amazing and a great opportunity to play against the more usual suspects of the big national companies. The targets can be on post code, number of children and a multitude of other categories…somewhat scary what these companies know about us, and thus what is used to target market us.
Great meeting and we are now in the planning stages of a Visitors day in November –
Next meeting is 4th October